So here's the thing...when I started this blog, this blog was the most interesting thing going on in my life. Now that I'm actively working on my list, this blog has been taking a serious back seat! But, never fear, it is not forgotten.
Soooo, why does a non runner decide she wants to do a 5k? Because everyone else does them. Seriously, in the summer my Facebook feed is just full of people posting all about their 5ks. And they make it look soooo easy. Just download a couch to 5k app and you can go from couch potato to runner in no time!
So that is exactly what I did. Back in January a friend of mine posted about a local color run that was in March. She encouraged me to sign up, so I did. The first time I tried my couch to 5k app (mine is run double, by the way, and I highly recommend it) I did a great job. I even jogged a little when the program was done. Fast forward several very cold winter weeks and I was now six weeks out from the race and that was the extent of my preparation. This was a great time to start making excuses, but for one of the first times in my life, I made no excuses whatsoever. I took my running clothes into work with me and used my one hour lunch to get my practice runs in. I ran in snow. I ran in A LOT of wind. I ran when I didn't want to. I had really bad days when I gave up and went back, temporarily defeated. I saw coworkers while wearing Spandex. But through it all, my boyfriend encouraged me. On the weekends, friends joined me on neighborhood runs. And finally, it was race day and I had successfully run a full three miles straight a grand total of one time (lol). (ok, but I could rock 2.5 miles like the best of them!)
Race day was very, very, very cold. And windy. But, hey, that is how I trained! I ended up with my boyfriend and my kids there, who totally cheered me on from inside the building (I told you it was really cold! ) My friend Liz joined me and stayed true to her word to run every step with me. (Also, since I can't say it enough, a very, very sincere thank you to everyone that supported me through running with me or even with words of encouragement!)
Here is what I never realized about is VERY much a mental thing. I can be two miles in and decide I need a break because I *might* run out of breath. Or I'm bored. Or my feet are wet (no lie, not a fan of running in rain. Yuck!!). So even during my first 5k, a super exiting accomplishment, I wanted to stop and walk. But I didn't. I ran the whole thing!
When I thought about writing this post, I knew exactly how I wanted to end it. I wanted to say that I enjoy running and want to maintain it as a hobby. I want to work on getting a little faster and feel more comfortable running three miles consistently. I said that exact thing at lunch today, but then a funny thing happened. I went online to look at local runs to see if any other fun ones were coming up. While looking that up, I noticed a run to support dui victims. But here's the thing, it is a 10k, not a 5k. Great time to make another excuse, right? I even emailed my boyfriend to say, hmmm, this is probably not possible. And then I said what really hit home...a 10k to support dui victims to honor the 10th anniversary of being hit by a drunk driver. That is exactly what this blog is about. It's about challenging myself to reach goals because they mean something to me.
Ten years ago I became a survivor. Some days I have pity parties and call myself a victim, but through this journey I'm on, I am truly turning surviving into thriving. And a 10k is a great way to celebrate that!
So here I am. One thing crossed off my list, and something new added! What an adventure!
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