Monday, September 23, 2013

24. Run a 10K

High on my success of running a 5K, I declared myself a runner and decided to set my sights on a 10K. 

Initially I signed up for a 10K to support DUI victims, since 2013 marks 10 years since I was hit by a drunk driver in a hit and run.  Instead, I made a very nice donation to the foundation and missed out on actually running my 10K because life had different plans in store for me.

My race partner was keen to run the same 10K she had run in the past, so I signed up to run my first 10K with her.  Since the DUI 10K was in May, and this race was at the end of June, I was sure that the extra time would help me prepare.

Except I stopped running, and it was approximately 1 million degrees on race day.

Okay, so I'm slightly exaggerating.  It was only about 90 degrees.  90 degrees after weeks of being 70 degrees.  And let me reiterate...I had stopped running.

The good news is that I finished the 10K.  The better news is that I will definitely have a personal record the next time I run one.  The best news is that I like the t-shirt a whole lot.

I learned a few take away lessons from this race.

1. Plan races in May and early June.
2. A great way to prepare for a race is by actually running.
3. Make sure you have enough songs on your playlist to last the entire race if you are dragging behind.
4. Start slow!
5. Don't start at the back even if you are starting slow.  It's mentally discouraging.
6. Run with water.
7. If you are going to run on a crazy hot day, run with a friend who has a pool in her backyard.
8. Bring food to eat on the drive home so you don't eat fast food post race.
9. Pick race days wisely...avoid days when you have plans later on.  Especially plans involving driving for 3 hours.

I fully intend to sign up for another 10K next year in preparation for my 1/2 marathon.  HOWEVER, for the purpose of this list, this item is officially DONE!

Hey, look...updates!

One of these days I will have 30 things on this list!

1. Keep up a blog (Totally done!)

2. Buy a house (DONE!)

3. Buy a scooter

4. Go on a cruise/all inclusive resort

5. Ride in an airplane

6. Visit California

7. Get my tattoo removed
UPDATE: Get my tattoo FIXED

8. Buy myself a nice piece of jewelry

9. Sing karaoke

10. Perform in community theater

11. Complete the 30 day shred (Done!)

12. Run a 5K (Done!)

13. Weigh 144

14. Wear a bikini

15. Pay off someone's layaway

16. Pay for a massage (Done!)

17. Finish college
Progress: Enrolled at Albright College, graduation date December 2014!

18. Learn a language
Progress: Very slowly working on Rosetta Stone in German!

19. Learn to swim

20. Take dance lessons-any style

21. Take a cooking class
22. Study handwriting analysis 

23. Take a self defense class that will teach me how to flip a man over

24. Run a 10K (Done!)

25. Run a half marathon